the loyalty program
unlock the ultimate in luxury
time to reward our most loyal customers! upgrade to the VIP experience and get access to exclusive discounts, rental pieces, and more.
The diamond club
join the loyalty program!
if you have purchased 3 pieces from our
collection totaling 5k or more within one
calendar year, you are now part of the club!
you need to maintain status each year
if your engagement ring and 2 wedding bands are from
us, you are now part of the club for life!
bonus: enjoy 2 free rentals on your wedding day
love it before you buy it
get exclusive access to our collection for
your big day or any day!
get your 10% off two orders
vip treatment
Enhance your jewelry experience with our TCC Perks.
priority booking
Our priority booking puts you at the front of the line, get VIP access to our expert gemologists.
styling appointments
Looking for the perfect wedding band? Let us help! Get complimentary styling appointments and find your perfect bridal stack!
cleaning services
Love your ring and collection pieces? Keep them looking their best with our complimentary lifetime cleaning service!
priority booking
Our priority booking puts you at the front of the line, get VIP access to our expert gemologists.
styling appointments
Looking for the perfect wedding band? Let us help! Get complimentary styling appointments and find your perfect bridal stack!
cleaning services
Love your ring and collection pieces? Keep them looking their best with our complimentary lifetime cleaning service!
priority booking
Our priority booking puts you at the front of the line, get VIP access to our expert gemologists.
styling appointments
Looking for the perfect wedding band? Let us help! Get complimentary styling appointments and find your perfect bridal stack!
cleaning services
Love your ring and collection pieces? Keep them looking their best with our complimentary lifetime cleaning service!
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